Thursday, February 16, 2006

Snow, Snow and More Snow

We got snow alright...It didn't start snowing until shorty before I started work, of course. Luckily, I didn't have to go far out of town. I just worked locally for a change. Usually I end up going on a 20 mile voyage to some backroad somewhere. Dispatch did their best to get everyone in as quick as possible, i think a lot of drivers ended their day around an hour early, and were greatful for that too. I have tomrrow off from work, technically, but I am sure that before the night is over I will get "The Call". I am sure that someone will get snowed in and not be able to dig their way out by tomorrow morning. When I got home from work, I had about 7 inches of snow in the driveway with a couple of areas that had drifted to between 2 to 3 feet deep. But, fortunate for me, the plow hadn't gone by and packed the end of the driveway so it only took me about 45 minutes to dig my way in. Tomorrow, the windchill is supposed to be well below zero with the windchills. that is reallly depressing to me. There is no way the busses can keep up with those kind of temperatures. I won't freeze, but I will be keeping my coat on, that's for sure.

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