Monday, December 12, 2005

Snowmen Abound

Well, today was almost a non-day. It was a boring day, pretty much. I did start on a hat for a person that rides on the bus. She doesn't even have a hat, so I am making her one. She wants it in red, white and blue, the colors of the flag. She has a purple coat. Need I say more? So, I am making the hat, it's going to be blue, and I am chain stitching red and white stripes on the surface. That way, when she is sick of the stripes, I can pull them off for her. Hopefully, she gets sick of the stripes. One can only hope. The Boyfiend had to go off to work today. He will be back within a day or so. He is going to try and change his schedule and stay in the area, rather then going so far out.
We went shopping for ornaments again. I got some more snowmen and other various Christmassy stuff, like Santa and angels. I also got a cute, plush snowman. It called out to me, I couldn't help myself. I have some sort of Snowman Acquisition Syndrome. SAS?

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